Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A new way of looking at Rain!

It's been rainy and gloomy here since yesterday morning..I started thinking a lot about the rain as I watched it come down and hit the deck, the raindrops seem to explode and scatter..It made me wonder what raindrops would look like if they were real living breathing little creatures..So I made some outta polymer clay, and here is what living raindrops would be like if they were alive! Well according to my imagination anyway..

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Recovering from a rough week

Several years ago when me and my fiancee bought our house, he bought me my first horse, I luv her, she's a palomino Tennessee Walker and she's beautiful..But after a few weeks of owning her he decided to saddle her up and ride her..Well he didn't exactly know how to ride a horse and didn't realize that when they start bucking to pull up on  the reins, they are like brakes for a horse.. and low and behold she bucked and kicked and went crazy and managed to throw him up in the air then down on his back flat on the ground...It wasn't good, he broke 4 bones in his lower back, and for the last 4 yrs still has a lot of trouble and pain with it..He moved wrong the other day and something popped and for a week straight he couldn't get up and walk around without excruciating he has been off work and of course with him at home it was pretty hard for me to be able to spend much time in my art room or on the computer, so I guess u could say I neglected my goals for the year, which is list list list on my etsy store and making more things for my store, but I'M BACK at last..
Here's what I've been working on..

It's the middle of the night already, but I'm still working, my fiancee works
the graveyard shift, so I guess I'm stuck working it at home too..
Hope everyone else at the PCE team is being super creative and sticking
to their New Years Goals, If you let them slip for a day or two, don't
worry just get up and get right back in the saddle!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow storm on the way

Waiting on a big snow storm to come our way..Yuck!!
I have been working on a new little monster last night and this morning, so
maybe I will be able to post a picture of him today...He's a bright green, almost like a Neon green..Hope everyone is staying warm today!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Kater's Acres: PCETEAM is over 200 Members!

I am so excited, One of my Little Monsters was featured on a blog today!! Yay!!
Check out her blog!!

Kater's Acres: PCETEAM is over 200 Members!: "WOW! The PCETeam has come a long way. We started as a small group of 10 or so and have blossomed into a LARGE group of over 200..."

Goals for the New Year for my Etsy Shop

1. Blog more, even if nobody else is reading it, I may feel like i'm talking to myself
but Oh Well, I talk to myself all the time, and I was told as long as I don't answer myself back, then I'm not really crazy! (I'll never tell if I answer myself)

2. Stop listing all my stuff on Ebay and start listing them in my Etsy Shop, seems like I put all the good stuff on Ebay..

3. Make more treasuries...I Loves me some treasuries!

4. Keep better records, Keep better records, keep better records..Oh and did I say keep better records? This is a MUST!!

5. Get more organized in my Studio..It really is so much easier to create if I'm more organized..For some reason if things are chaotic, my mind spins so fast I can't keep up with it, and it keeps me from being creative..

6. Try really hard to get some followers for my, that way I don't feel like I'm talkin to myself..

7. Do whatever it takes to make more sales on Etsy...List List List...

8. Organize my day more efficiently so I have more time to be creative..

9. Even if I feel I don't have no time to make something for my shop, at least start the project and promise to finish it by the next day..

Well that is it for now, Lets see how these goals go, if all goes well, I may even add more goals..